Come and join Mule Shoe Outfitters out of Pinedale, Wyoming for a Big Game Hunt or a summer fishing trip in the spectacular mountains of the Wind River Mountain Range. Big Horn Sheep, Mountain Lion, and Elk hunting is our specialty, we also conduct hunts for Mule Deer, Antelope, Moose, Bobcat and Black Bear. Mule Shoe Outfitters also provides summer fishing and scenic pack trips with gear drops and spot packs into the Wind River Mountain Range.

7 DAY HUNT 1x1 $7,500
Mountain Lion hunting is one of our passions. We enjoy training our own hounds that we have raised and spent endless hours working with. The pursuit of these big cats can last for minutes, hours or days, depending on what kind of track the hounds have to work with. Snowmachines are used for transportation to look for tracks and haul hounds and gear when snow conditions get too bad for pickups to get around in. Good, mature Tom mountain lions are our main target for harvesting, leaving females to produce offspring. This is a 7-day hunt that we start mid-November and run through March 31st. Licenses can be purchased over the counter when you arrive.

1x1 $5,000 2x1 $4,500
Bobcats make a great combo hunt with mountain lions, or are a great trophy by themselves. We basically hunt them the same way we hunt lions. We offer this as a 5-day hunt from November 15th to the end of February. The license has to be applied for at the Wyoming Game & Fish Department in Cheyenne. There are restrictions for some states obtaining a license, so please give us a call and ask us about it.

10 DAY HUNT 1x1 $13,000
Bighorn Sheep hunting is another one of our passions. It is a physically- demanding hunt that is basically a once in a lifetime hunt for a hunter to harvest a ram in Wyoming. Our ten-day hunt starts by packing a camp in with horses and mules. From there, we are mainly hunting by foot and using backpacks to transport gear to other camp destinations. Our main technique of hunting is using vantage points to glass the area, catching rams moving and feeding. Being in the best physical shape you can be will inicrease your odds of taking a trophy ram. We have been consistent in taking 160 plus class rams throughout the years. We hunt Area 8, which opens September 1st and Area 10, which opens August 15th.

6 DAY HUNT 1x1 $4,000
Our 7-day black bear hunt is offered during the spring. This is over active baits that we have placed in remote areas. We try to get into more remote areas so we can get away from other bait activity. We primarily hunt baits late afternoon through late evening. The mornings and early afternoon are spent either replenishing baits with guides or relaxing doing whatever you would like. This hunt makes a great archery experience, as well as rifle or handgun. Our hunts are a day or two longer than most outfitters, good mature bears are very wise and sometimes a hunter has to put a little extra time in on a bait. We are consistent in taking mature boars with good color phases; browns, cinnamons and an occasional blonde bear. Spring bear hunts take place fom the 1st of May to the 15th of June. Bear hunts in the fall are combo hunts with Elk or Deer.

7 DAY HUNT 1X1 7,000
Our 7-day Shiras Moose hunt in area 5 will be a horseback hunt out of one of our base camps or a spike camp if needed. Having 2 base camps and a lodge in moose area 5 gives us a good portion of the area to hunt these big bulls. Both of our camps have prime moose hunting country and hold mature bulls. Rifle season opens October 1st thru October 31st. Archery season opens September 1st. This is real good moose country with rougher terrain and a chance at a real good bull. Moose Area 3 and 4 hunts will be based staying at the lodge. We primarily hunt private land along with BLM lands adjoining. If you don't like sleeping in a tent at night, this is your moose hunt. Area 3 opens the 20th of September for rifle and the 1st of September for archery. On an average, we are harvesting good, mature 40-inch plus bulls.

1x1 $7,300 2x1 $6,800
1x1 $2,500 2x1 $2,000
1x1 $3,000 2x1 $2,500
Mule Shoe Outfitters has two base camps to offer clients for our 7 day Elk hunts. Our Bluff Park Camp is located in the Bridger-Teton Wilderness is around a 4 hour horseback ride. Our New Fork camp is on the Bridger-Teton National Forest and is about an hour horseback ride to get to. We have been typically harvesting bulls in the 280 to 340 inch range with an occasional bigger bull. Base camps consist of wall tents with cots and propane heaters to provide as much comfort as possible. Breakfast and dinner are prepared and served in a cook tent with sack lunches provided for the day out hunting. We limit our camps to 4 hunters for the week to assure a more quality down-home hunt. We use these main base camps for our limited quota area 96 hunts. They start the 1st of October for rifle season and run thru the 31st of October, and September for archery season. This is a great area with lots of elk and good potential of killing a good mature bull. During the first part of October the rut is still on with lots of vocal activity from bulls. Preference points are needed to draw a license in this area, so if you are planning for the future please go ahead and get one from July 1st to October 31st through the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. It will just assure you of drawing a license. Our General elk tag season opens October 15th. This is also a good opportunity to harvest a good bull after the rut. We do a lot of glassing for mature bulls out feeding in the open terrain where stalks can be made. Bulls will sometimes bachelor up with other bulls making it easier to spot them. The weather plays a big part in determining which camps are used on this hunt. Archery season opens September 1st, but we suggest waiting until at least the 13th to let the rut kick in and bulls get more active. Archery hunters have ample shot opportunity at bulls during the September archery season. The rut is in full force and the bulls are hot, making calling more productive. Both of our camps are used during this hunt, depending on where we find the most concentration of elk.

1x1 $5,000 2x1 $4,500
We have a 5-day wilderness Mule Deer hunts in region H where we are taking 160 to 180 inch bucks. This is a horseback hunt where you will be staying at one of our two base camps glassing for mature bucks at timberline. We have a lot of open country where bachelor groups of bucks hang out. Glassing is a big part of this hunt, so bring lots of patience and a good pair of binoculars. September 15th is opening day and the season runs until October 6th. We also offer 5-day Mule Deer hunts in areas 141/162. This season opens October 1st. This is a limited quota area, so preference points will be needed to draw this tag. This is a low-percentage draw for a license, but the chance of harvesting a trophy buck is excellent.

1X1 $2,300 2X1 $1,800
Our antelope hunts are done mainly on private ground with large tracts of BLM surrounding them. We offer 3-day antelope hunts with all accommodations at the Lodge. We have great archery opportunities, as well as rifle, to harvest a good mature 14" plus buck. Antelope makes a great combo hunt with our late-season deer or with our elk hunts. We start hunting antelope September 10th through the end of October.